Data Analytics Using Excel

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Adamu Iliyasu

About the Course Facilitator

Adamu is one of the ShuraForAll Team members in Nigeria.

He has hosted and trained many individuals and Business owners (free and paid) on how to use Microsoft Excel to work more efficiently. Some of his training are either online or physical. He can be reached at:


Telegram: +2349084146359

Twitter: @adam_sarma

Class Link:

About the Course

If you are a complete beginner, want to polish up your skills, or want to create sophisticated super-efficient solutions for your business or personal life, this course will help you achieve that. All you need is a little time, and a willingness to learn. 

This course covers the skills you need for certification as a specialist in Microsoft Excel. Specifically, you will need to be able to complete tasks that demonstrate the following skills:

Module 1-Learning to get familiar with the primary user interface of the Excel workbook.

Module 2-Learning how to manage cells and ranges

Module 3-Learning how to apply various ways of inserting Excel formulas

The Objectives of this Course 

This course provides skills and knowledge for the trainee to work in teams. It will also help trainees "Develop the practice of asking questions that help understand how things work" and "Develop the practice of explaining findings in simple terms" to Learn MS Excel tools, Techniques and goal-seeking.

 A while ago I was employed as a filling station manager. The first thing I asked for was the records and I was given five books for different records. The books were in bad shape, some pages are missing and not enough information in them. It takes me a while to go through the records and understand them but I did. After that, I created an Excel document to make things easier for me and I added enough information to it. I have been sending my daily report using Excel to top management until one day I was called to a board meeting and was told to help other managers do their records using Excel also.


Training Schedules

Course Starting Date - 20th May 2023.

Training Model - Online Virtual

Duration - 6 weeks

Schedule - Weekends

Time - 10 am to 11:30 am NG time

Target Trainees
This course is for individuals responsible for creating, inputting and printing basic spreadsheets.

Microsoft Excel Package, Basic Windows, keyboarding and mouse skills.

...looking forward to working with you.

Overview Tips

Overview Introduction

The core work in every shura

Crafting a good strategy and executing it is part of the core work in every shura.

When we use the word strategy we are referring to active problem solving.

So, for example, when a person starts a shura, she tries to provide an insightful context that helps participants understand the challenge being introduced.

This includes uploading as many relevant documents as needed to deepen everyone’s understanding.

Accurate and concise problem statement

Strategy begins here, with an accurate and concise problem statement description.

Once suitably informed, participants actively engage in dialogue to determine the best course of action to take. The focus is on trying to determine what is the most important part of the problem that needs the most attention.

Emphasis is on “most important.” The selected course of action guides all subsequent actions, ensuring that they reinforce each other. This is what adds strength to strategy.

Keep everyone informed

Then the work of the shura shifts to the Deliver phase. This is where all participants are expected to commit to entering and carrying out action steps that help accomplish objectives.

Only the important action steps should be entered. Even though some participants may think that every action step is important, they must be prioritized. The top priority steps are the most important.

As part of the strategy execution process, they must be entered before the task is performed.

This allows other participants to see what action steps are intended to be carried out. It helps inform them of the thinking that is behind the planned actions before actually using the time and resources to perform them.

Now comes the hardest part. We have to follow through on what we say we are going to do. And we need to hold everyone accountable.

All of this is what helps make a shura successful.

Executive Summary

The person who starts the shura is called the shura initiator and is responsible for explaining the shura context and providing a timeline for completing its phases of activities. This information is displayed in the Overview section. All text in this section is indexed to optimize search results to make it easy for users to find your shura. So, be sure to include all the important keywords in this text.

Following this, the shura moves to the Discuss phase where all participants share their points of view on the issue as they recommend various courses of action to take. They are expected to provide evidence in the form of linked references or uploaded files to support their viewpoints.

After the discussion time period has ended, the shura moves to the Decide phase. Here is where each person selects their preferred course of action based on their best judgment. The ShuraForAll tool will compile selections and present the results to everyone. Once the course of action is agreed on, the shura effort moves to the Deliver phase.

This is where participants try to put the selected course of action into motion by setting objectives and carrying out action steps. Each person either joins an existing team or starts a new team and then performs the work. ShuraForAll charts the progress along the way, letting everyone know how things are going.

Phase Level Shura Metrics

Each shura displays a set of metrics that inform all participants how things are going. Below each shura phase (Discuss, Decide, Deliver) icon is a score that indicates overall performance.

For the Discuss phase this metric is the ratio of the number of unique participants who have submitted at least one comment to the total number of participants in the shura.

For the Decide phase this metric is the ratio of the number of unique participants who have selected a preferred course of action to the total number of participants in the shura.

For the Deliver phase this metric is the ratio of the number of unique participants who have self-assigned at least one action step to the total number of participants in the shura.

Additional Metrics

As work is performed in the Deliver phase, the tool automatically calculates the Achieve Rate metric for each participant. This is a measure of completing the action steps that are given a higher weight or greater priority. A higher Achieve Rate indicates that the person is completing the more important action steps.

Since a participant can work on more than one team, the Achieve Rate is calculated in the context of work performed for each team, as shown below.

The Achieve Rate is also calculated as a composite score for all the participants who are working on a given team. This score is a measure of team performance.

Additionally, the Achieve Rate is calculated as a composite score for all the participants who are working on a given objective. This score is a measure of objective performance.

An example of objective level and team level performance Achieve Rate measures is displayed in the Shura Profile Report. This report is generated for each shura and is updated in real time as work is performed.

Both the Shura Profile and the My Profile Report can be produced by selecting each from the user menu.

An example of My Profile Report is shown below.

All reports represent progress made up to the point the report is produced.

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