Emerging Leaders and the Qur'an


Muharram 15, 14452023-08-02 -- Muharram 15, 14472025-07-10
Score: 4 / 7

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    • Muslim A Mahmood
      Safar 25, 14452023-09-11 at 10:17
      Course of action: Integrate the shura process into the way we sustain our communities.

      Securing and empowering the community should be the top priority for any leadership to be successful. It is important to address the growing threats that besiege communities, but at the same time, it is also... (Read More)

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      Khalil Abdul-Rahman
      Safar 27, 14452023-09-13 at 11:48

      It's good to see you brothers getting together to try to support joint efforts. I think the community building hub construct can make it easier to communicate across residential, business, and university stakeholders.

      Adamu Iliyasu
      Safar 27, 14452023-09-13 at 11:05

      Superb idea, I will contact you brother Muslim during the weekend to to talk more about this.

      Muslim A Mahmood
      Safar 27, 14452023-09-13 at 10:33

      I have updated the document with the Idea in Practice, asking the relevant questions and understanding the required action steps.

      Khalil Abdul-Rahman
      Safar 25, 14452023-09-11 at 11:14

      Very encouraging development ideas, and they are consistent with what ICIT is trying to support.

      Let's expand on them by getting an initial set of targeted people involved in the... (Read More)

    • Muslim A Mahmood
      Safar 24, 14452023-09-10 at 10:40
      Course of action: Integrate the shura process into the way we sustain our communities.

      I'm among the early ShuraForAll tools Software-As-Service (SaaS) testers and adapters.

      My background is in computer programming and systems analysis.

      I have provided strategic advice and guidance to... (Read More)

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      Fatma B
      Rabi' al-Awwal 15, 14452023-09-30 at 21:11

      As'salaamu alaykum my brother,

      I did not know where to put this potential resource, but when we consider the active usage of the Islamic timekeeping system particularly for emerging... (Read More)

    • M
      Muhammad Khamis
      Safar 24, 14452023-09-10 at 05:36
      Course of action: Integrate the shura process into the way we sustain our communities.

      Masha Allah, this so interesting may Allah guide us through 

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      Muslim A Mahmood
      Safar 24, 14452023-09-10 at 10:34

      Amin. Thanks for the participation and optimism.

    • Adamu Iliyasu
      Safar 21, 14452023-09-07 at 03:39
      Course of action: Integrate the shura process into the way we sustain our communities.

      Salaam Alaikum,

      The ICIT Emerging Leaders and the Qur’an Kickoff video was a wonderful introduction. I recommend sharing the video to individuals and groups to create more awareness.

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      Daniel Beydoun
      Rabi' al-Awwal 01, 14452023-09-16 at 18:36

      Masha’Allah - the kickoff video clear and explained the context of this type of decision-making and how the tool can support it. God bless you all. I'm discussing it with a couple of brothers here in Sydney for comment as well.


      Muslim A Mahmood
      Safar 22, 14452023-09-08 at 11:48

      Masha Allah, for such an initiative. An observation or two. The Kickoff video should be the first thing the Readers see when they visit the Emerging Leaders page. 

      Khalil Abdul-Rahman
      Safar 21, 14452023-09-07 at 04:56

      Wa alaikum salaam. Glad you found it helpful.

      Please be sure to share your email with anyone you think would benefit, especially those connected with the Innovation Hub.


    • Adamu Iliyasu
      Muharram 25, 14452023-08-12 at 12:11
      Course of action: Integrate the shura process into the way we sustain our communities.

      Salaam Alaikum,

      Hello, good day to you all. My name is Adamu

      Looking forward to this training program and am excited to learn more.

      Just to be clear, will there be more activities after the webinar? 

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    • Khalil Abdul-Rahman
      Muharram 15, 14452023-08-02 at 11:22
      Course of action: Integrate the shura process into the way we sustain our communities.

      How might we help trainers to start using the shura process to build basic literacy skills among target people in our community?

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      Fatma B
      Rabi' al-Awwal 15, 14452023-09-30 at 16:14
      It must be simplified and demonstrated. Videos and workshops, for starters. Open it up for questions and comments.

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